P&W's F119 Full Life Capability

23.09.2010 Products

P&W's F119 Full Life Capability

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Pratt & Whitney's F119 engine powering the F-22 Raptor successfully completed 8,650 total accumulated cycles, or TACs, representing the first time a 5th generation fighter engine demonstrates the ability to meet full life requirements.Production engine P730210 has completed Accelerated Mission Testing (AMT) simulating 15 years of operational service, compressed into four years of test and evaluation. The engine ran for nearly 1,700 hours, accumulating 8,650 cycles. The F119 has accumulated more than 300,000 hours and is the only 5th generation engine in operational use today.

"This milestone marks a significant accomplishment for the only operational fifth generation fighter engine in service today and demonstrates the maturity of this highly advanced propulsion system," said Bennett Croswell, Vice President of F135/F119 Engine Programs. "This is a clear and unequivocal demonstration of the outstanding durability and reliability of the F119 engine system and all of its components."

Following completion of the testing, the F119 engine was disassembled and inspected revealing all the parts in excellent condition.

Pratt & Whitney continues to deliver both F119s and F135s from the fifth generation production line, with approximately 350 F119 engines and 9 F135 engines delivered to date.


source: asdnews


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