EDA Selects Indra’s Deployable Laboratory

11.03.2011 Europe
EDA Selects Indra’s Deployable Laboratory

EDA Selects Indra’s Deployable Laboratory

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The European Defense Agency (EDA) has selected Indra to design, develop and supply a Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices (CIED) deployable laboratory demonstrator. The company will deliver the system this year.


EDA has acquired the whole CIED laboratory, which will become a pooled and shared facility for all EDA participating Member States. The laboratory should be fully functional including all the specifications as requested by the tender. The end product should incorporate a fully integrated system approach to deliver a capability.

This is the first time that EDA has bid a contract for operational and tactical supply. Moreover, the capacity to be provided is demanded by several EDA members within their Defense requirements.

Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) are responsible for more injuries in operations than any other cause. Countering IEDs is now seen as one of the top priorities amongst EU Member States. A key enabler in CIED is the use of information gathered following attacks (whether successful or not). Exploitation is key to this process.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with nearly € 500 Million during the last 3 years. The company employs more than 30,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.


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