Production Activities on Second Italian Navy’s NFS Submarine Start

09.06.2023 Europe
Production Activities on Second Italian Navy’s NFS Submarine Start

Production Activities on Second Italian Navy’s NFS Submarine Start

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Production activities for the second of 2 new-generation submarines, as part of the U212NFS (Near Future Submarine) acquisition program of the Italian Navy, started Tuesday at the Muggiano (La Spezia) shipyard.

The programme includes two vessels contracted in 2021 to be delivered in 2027 and 2029, a third submarine which has received parliamentary approval, as well as the creation of a Training Center. It is led by OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d’Armement, the international organization for joint armament cooperation).

The ceremony (photo) was attended, among others, by Mr. Joachim Sucker, OCCAR Director and Vice Admiral Giuseppe Abbamonte, Director of Naval Armaments - NAVARM, welcomed by the President and the Chief Executive Officer of Fincantieri, General Graziano and Pierroberto Folgiero, together with the General Manager of the Naval Vessels Division Dario Deste.

The U212NFS submarines will be highly innovative, with significant design modifications which will all be developed independently by Fincantieri in accordance with the requirements of the Navy. The program responds to the need to secure adequate underwater spatial surveillance and control capacity, considering the future complex scenarios of underwater operations and that the operational lifetime of the 4 “Sauro” class submarines, currently in service, is drawing near.

The program also aims at upholding and further developing Fincantieri’s acquired strategic and innovative industrial know-how, as well as consolidating the technological lead attained by the company and its supply chain, major industries, and small and medium-sized enterprises of the sector, enhancing the presence on board of technologically advanced component parts developed by Italian industries.

The submarines carry out many different tasks for the benefit of the community on a daily basis, preserving national interests and collective defense within the framework of the most important alliances in which the Italy participates, NATO and the EU. They range from purely military missions to operations pertaining to freedom of navigation, anti-piracy, keeping the energy supply routes safe (due to the presence of seabed resources or underwater infrastructure), observance of international law, fighting terrorism, defending external borders, and safeguarding maritime infrastructure, including essential offshore and underwater infrastructure, not least preserving marine ecosystems.

Fincantieri is one of the world’s largest shipbuilding groups, the only one active in all high-tech marine industry sectors. It is leader in the construction and transformation of cruise, naval and oil & gas and wind offshore vessels, as well as in the production of systems and component equipment, after-sales services and marine interiors solutions. Thanks to the expertise developed in the management of complex projects, the Group boasts first-class references in infrastructures, and is a reference player in digital technologies and cybersecurity, electronics and advanced systems.

With over 230 years of history and more than 7,000 ships built, Fincantieri maintains its know-how, expertise and management centers in Italy, here employing 10,000 workers and creating around 90,000 jobs, which double worldwide thanks to a production network of 18 shipyards operating in four continents and with almost 21,000 employees.

OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d’Armement / Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation) is an international organisation whose core-business is the through life management of cooperative defence equipment programmes.

The organisation was established by means of the OCCAR Convention which is equivalent to an international treaty.

The current OCCAR Member States are: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.


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