Allen-Vanguard at DSEi 2011

08.09.2011 Security
Allen-Vanguard at DSEi 2011

Allen-Vanguard at DSEi 2011

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Allen-Vanguard will introduce delegates of the DSEi 2011 Defense and Security conference to its broad range of capabilities to safeguard and protect vehicle occupants from the extensive scope of threats.  The threat tempo posed by asymmetric warfare is relentless, with the complexity continuing to evolve and develop.  In parallel, foot patrols and vehicle occupants are at significant risk from the environmental stresses that the extreme operational conditions can yield while being required to perform in the field.   

The comprehensive suite of Vehicle Crew Survivability solutions represents an integral element of Allen-Vanguard’s counter-threat portfolio.  Components encompass fully integrated and interoperable protective solutions including:

  • Electronic-countermeasure (ECM) solutions to mitigate the threat from radio-controlled improvised explosive devices (RCIED)
  • Innovative blast attenuation seats for applications in new and retrofit survivability upgrades to suit all vehicle occupants
  • Intricate blast reconnaissance sensors to measure the effects of blast on the vehicle and for personnel
  • Integrated electronic cooling systems to protect personnel and equipment from heat stress
  • Comprehensive training support and actionable threat intelligence

President and CEO for Allen-Vanguard, Dennis Morris commented “The delivery of superior protective solutions for vehicle occupants remains at the forefront of our operations”.  Mr. Morris continued, “We recognize that the complexity of attacks continue to develop posing an ongoing and ever evolving threat to coalition forces”.   

Allen-Vanguard solutions have been specifically developed to meet current and emerging operational requirements.  Battle-proven, these life-saving technologies are integrated into major military vehicle programs around the world.  

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