Agility renews $91m US army deal

07.07.2009 North America

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Agility Defense & Government Services (DGS), the public sector arm of Kuwait-based Agility, said the US Army has awarded a one-year option on the Army’s Heavy Lift VI contract worth $91 million.

Under the extension, Agility will continue to provide transportation services for military personnel, supplies, and equipment, said a company statement.
For Heavy Lift VI, Agility supplies and operates vehicles, including heavy equipment transport (HET) and flatbed trailers, to support the US Army’s supply line needs in Iraq and Kuwait.
To service the contract Agility also provides skilled personnel to handle transportation, and maintenance operations.
“The Heavy Lift VI renewal again underscores Agility DGS’s reputation for efficient, effective and highly dependable performance on complex logistics assignments,” said Dan Mongeon, president and CEO of Agility DGS.
“We will continue to deliver best value services to the Army on this important contract.”
The extension, awarded by the Rock Island Contracting Center, will continue Agility's engagement for Heavy Lift VI through June 30, 2010.

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