KNDS Achieves Another Successful Business Year

16.06.2021 Europe
KNDS Achieves Another Successful Business Year

KNDS Achieves Another Successful Business Year

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The defence technology group KNDS, in which Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (Germany)and Nexter (France) merged to form the leading European company for military landsystems, ammunition and related services, has presented its key figures for fiscal year2020.

In 2020, the group achieved remarkable results in an unprecedented contextdue to the Covid crisis, thus demonstrating its robust business model, its resilience andits strong economic and financial position.

With 3.3 billion euro of order intake, the consolidated order backlog grew to a record10.6 billion euro. Major orders were the midlife upgrade for the 322 FENNEK vehiclesof the Netherlands Army, 24 LEGUAN bridge layers for the German Bundeswehr, 42JAGUAR, 271 GRIFFON, and 364 SERVAL vehicles related to the SCORPIONprogram, as well as support and services activities for the French army, and CAESARguns for a new export customer.

The group generated 2.4 billion euro of revenue, while its workforce grew to 8,270employees.

““In 2020, we met or exceeded all our commercial targets. In addition, Nexter and KMW areintegrating faster and more strongly to become the joint pacesetter for key innovationsin the field of military land systems,” said Frank Haun (photo), CEO of KNDS, in assessing the company’s performance.

“Against this backdrop, however, we see newchallenges. For example, the budgets of our most important customers are beingsignificantly impacted by the consequences of the corona pandemic, partly at theexpense of the defence budgets. And within defence budgets, significant increases inspending on air systems are emerging, which in turn are putting pressure on much needed army projects,” he added.

KNDS (KMW+NEXTER Defense Systems) is the result of the association of Krauss-Maffei Wegmannand Nexter, two of the leading European manufacturers of military land systems based in Germany andFrance.

KNDS forms a Group of 8,300 employees, with a 2020 revenue of 2.4 billion euro, an order backlog ofaround 10.6 billion euro and incoming orders of 3.3 billion euro. The range of its products includes mainbattle tanks, armored vehicles, artillery systems, weapons systems, ammunition, military bridges,customer services, battle management systems, training solutions, protection solutions and a widerange of equipment.

The formation of KNDS represents the beginning of consolidation in land defense systems industry inEurope. The strategic alliance between KMW and Nexter enhances both groups’ competitiveness andinternational positions, as well as their ability to meet the needs of their respective national army. Inaddition, it offers to its European and NATO customers the opportunity of increased standardization andinteroperability for their defense equipment, with a dependable industrial base

KNDS headquarters are based in Amsterdam.


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