KNDS to Become the Main European Provider of Military Robots

25.06.2024 Europe
KNDS to Become the Main European Provider of Military Robots

KNDS to Become the Main European Provider of Military Robots

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Unmanned systems, made for the first engagements in combat, arerequired to save lives in modern warfare. KNDS is providing a wholerange of robots of all sizes characterized by their modularity to meet allneeds.

KNDS has achieved several successes regarding the securedoperation of robots, including:

  • The patrol version of the NERVA range of micro-robots wasin service in Eurosatory 2024 this past week to protect the exhibition by night
  • KNDS presented a Medium-Forces-Mission-Solution withmanned/unmanned teamed systems including Data-Managementand sensor to shooter technologies
  • KNDS has performed successful tests of long range securedcommunication between a ground operator and a ground platform:radio links reached 7km in open field, and 80m inside a ship duringa test with the French Navy. KNDS also provides a secured radiolink at up to 80km for the LARINAE loitering ammunition program
  • Engineering robots: KNDS has proven in multiple scenarios remotepiloted bridge laying systems to various nations and the CENTURIOrobot successfully achieved an explosive ordnance reconnaissancemission while the operator was piloting out-of-sight
  • Robust autonomous capacity: KNDS conducted several mobilitytests with an ULTRO robot using an artificial intelligence which hasbeen able to follow roads, forest paths, daymarks, soldiers andvehicles

CENTURIO: A New Range of Robots to Meet All the Needs of an Army

KNDS’ range is now completed with the new CENTURIO multipurposetactical robots (photo). The CENTURIO range includes a combat robot versionequipped with a 30mm ARX 30, an explosive ordnance reconnaissanceversion and a CBRN detection version. KNDS also offers other heavysolutions such as the ULTRO carrier robot and the OPTIO tracked combatrobot. We are now working on a remotely operated main battle tankchassis in order to prepare the MGCS.

KNDS is the result of the association of Krauss-Maffei Wegmann and Nexter, two of the leading European manufacturers of military land systems based in Germany and France.

KNDS forms a Group of around 9,500 employees, with a 2023 turnover of 3.3 billion euro, an order backlog of around 16 billion euro and incoming orders of 7.8 billion euro. The range of its products includes main battle tanks, armored vehicles, artillery systems, weapons systems, ammunition, military bridges, customer services, battle management systems, training solutions, protection solutions and a wide range of equipment.

The formation of KNDS represents the beginning of consolidation in land defense systems industry in Europe. The strategic alliance between KMW and Nexter enhances both groups’ competitiveness and international positions, as well as their ability to meet the needs of their respective national army. In addition, it offers to its European and NATO customers the opportunity of increased standardization and interoperability for their defense equipment, with a dependable industrial base.

KNDS headquarters are based in Amsterdam.


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