IT SEC, Mile2 Bring Cyber Security Training to Mideast

29.04.2013 Security
IT SEC, Mile2 Bring Cyber Security Training to Mideast

IT SEC, Mile2 Bring Cyber Security Training to Mideast

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IT SEC, The only dedicated cyber security training institute in the Middle East announced their partnership with renowned IT security training organization Mile2®.

As a part of this collaboration, IT SEC will bring the latest courses and innovations in IT Security Training and Consultancy services to the UAE and other countries in the GCC.

Amir A. Kolahzadeh, Managing Director at IT SEC said: “IT security has always been an issue in this part of the world and even more so now after recent studies conducted this year show that 35% of cybercrimes are committed against banks and financial services and 65% of cybercrimes will be committed against Government entities”.

Kolahzadeh explained that there has been a renewed awareness towards IT security in the Middle East especially in the UAE. This has given rise to a demand for more opportunities for organizations to properly train their IT security personnel in penetration testing, information systems security, disaster recovery, digital forensics, incident handling, network forensics and securing web applications.

“By working with Mile2(R), we aim to train security personnel in the region to meet military, government and corporate standards”, he added.

Classes will take place in TECOM, Dubai.


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