Sagem Wins Contract for 1,175 IR Binoculars

20.01.2011 Europe
Sagem Wins Contract for 1,175 IR Binoculars

Sagem Wins Contract for 1,175 IR Binoculars

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French Defense Procurement Agency (DGA) announced that, following international competitive bidding, it had awarded a contract to Sagem (Safran group) for 1,175 JIM LR 2 new-generation long-range multifunction infrared binoculars, intended for the French Armed Forces. This contract is part of the "JIR-TTA-NG" program to acquire new-generation infrared binoculars for deployment by all services of the armed forces.

JIM LR 2 binoculars are designed for threat detection, precision target designation and intelligence gathering for front-line and command units. As an integral part of the digital battlefield, JIM LR 2 will be interoperable with the command and coordination systems used in the FELIN (1) integrated suite for dismounted soldiers.

JIM LR 2 is a portable all-in-one unit, combining day/night (thermal) vision, range-finding, laser pointer, compass, GPS and data transmission. It draws on operational feedback generated by the Sagem JIM LR (Long Range), and is directly derived from this original unit. While maintaining the same hardware and ergonomic design, the JIM LR 2 unit offers several improvements, including: increased detection and identification range, increased target designation range, image fusion between the visible and infrared channels, recording of videos and images via a USB port.

The contract also includes 500 remote-control tactical terminals, offering enhanced ergonomics and compact design, with a new A4 size tablet.

The deployment of these JIM LR 2 systems will be able to call on the Level 1 and 2 support network already in service for the JIM LR system. Sagem will also provide training for users and maintenance staff.
Reflecting the combined expertise of Sagem and its Swiss subsidiary Vectronix, JIM LR are already deployed by several NATO countries. This latest contract now brings the total number of JIM LR units in service or on order by armed and security forces to 4,500, including more than 2,000 by the French Armed Forces.


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