Iran Launches High-Speed Chopper-Carrier Vessel

FNA15.09.2016 Products
Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Second Naval Zone General Ali Razmjou announced that the IRGC Navy has launched a long-range high-speed vessel capable of carrying military helicopters, Fars News Agency (FNA) reported

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Second Naval Zone General Ali Razmjou announced that the IRGC Navy has launched a long-range high-speed vessel capable of carrying military helicopters, Fars News Agency (FNA) reported

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Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Second Naval Zone General Ali Razmjou announced that the IRGC Navy has launched a long-range high-speed vessel capable of carrying military helicopters, Fars News Agency (FNA) reported

“Today, the Shahid Nazeri long-range speed vessel which can sail long journeys has joined the IRGC Navy,” General Razmjou told reporters in the Southern city of Bushehr.

He said that the round-the-clock relentless efforts of the Iranian experts and engineers have paved the way for launching the state-of-the-art vessel with the capability to navigate in roaring waters as well as landing and taking off of the military helicopters which is another achievement for the defense sector.

“The IRGC Navy has always made advancements and made valuable successes and under the current conditions it has made the Islamic Republic of Iran stronger by making use of modern technology and equipment as well as high missile, defense and deterrence power,” General Razmjou added.

Shahid Nazeri vessel is capable of conducting operations in tidy waters and carrying 100 military personnel and military helicopters.

In May, Commander of the IRGC Navy Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi declared that the IRGC has done all the necessary tests and will soon launch mass-production of modern speedboats that cruise at a speed of 80 knots (148 kilometers) per hour.

“We have been able to increase the speed of our military vessels which are equipped with missiles and torpedoes up to 80 knots and this speed was tested late winter and now we are after mass-producing them,” Fadavi said in an interview with the state-run TV.

“This is while the speed more than 35 knots is a dream for the world naval forces and the US vessels can cruise at a maximum speed of 31 knots,” he added.

In relevant remarks in March, Admiral Fadavi had said that the IRGC has the only navy in the world that could design and manufacture this type of boats cruising at 80 knots per hour.

Fadavi had said earlier this year that anti-ship cruise missiles and cannons were previously not available on speedboats, but the IRGC experts managed to mount them on the vessels.

He added that the military vessels, capable of cruising at the speed of up to 120 knots (222 kilometers) an hour, could now be designed and tested at the IRGC naval research laboratory. In the past, he said, Iran had to carry out such tests abroad.

The IRGC commander said the Navy plans to mass produce, within the next few months, speedboats that travel at a speed of 80 knots (148 kilometers) per hour, and are armed with missiles capable of striking targets at 100 kilometers (62 miles).

Last year, the IRGC equipped its speedboats with domestically designed and manufactured Ghader (Capable) anti-ship cruise missiles. Iran unveiled the home-made Ghader missile back in September 2011.



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