Rohde & Schwarz’s TS6300

28.04.2011 Aviation & Space
Rohde & Schwarz’s TS6300

Rohde & Schwarz’s TS6300

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Rohde & Schwarz now offers manufacturers and operators of aeronautical radio navigation systems a unique all-in-one solution for verifying their instrument landing systems (ILS): The new R&S TS6300 is the first test system to allow users to measure ILS transmitter systems during a test drive on the runway and simultaneously evaluate the results. This easy-to-use system provides the accurate and above all reproducible results that test engineers need. The R&S TS6300 was developed in cooperation with the Swiss Skyguide air navigation services organization. The result is a system perfectly tailored to the requirements of air traffic control authorities.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requires airports to perform ILS ground measurements at regular intervals, as defined in the ICAO Annex 10 and Doc. 8071 standards. These measurements provide test engineers working at ATC authorities with important data that can be used to perform preventive and corrective maintenance on transmitter systems. Rohde & Schwarz designed the R&S TS6300 specifically for these runway measurements.

The modular system can be configured to meet individual requirements: from a portable transit case solution to a fully equipped test vehicle with a telescopic mast. No matter what the configuration, the R&S TS6300 always contains the same core components: the compact R&S EVS300 ILS/VOR analyzer, the R&S ILSChecker analysis software and a GPS receiver.

The R&S TS6300 fully utilizes the high performance of the R&S EVS300 and its accuracy to deliver highly reproducible measurements. The R&S EVS300 is the first test receiver for ILS/VOR signals that meets the demands of ground measurements and flight inspection systems. The results of ground and air-based measurements can be directly compared, as recommended in ICAO Doc. 8071.

With a measurement rate of 100 Hz, the R&S EVS300 delivers up to 100 complete data records per second, including GPS time and location information. The R&S ILSChecker software automatically filters the data to match the speed of the test vehicle. At 60 km/h, for example, the system delivers a data record every 17 cm. Buildings and other objects (airplanes, cranes, etc.) on taxiways cause signal reflections that distort the ILS signal, changing the measured values. Due to its high sampling rate and excellent measurement reproducibility, the R&S TS6300 can clearly identify these changes.

The R&S TS6300 test system’s R&S ILSChecker software analyzes the acquired data on site, in real time. Not only do users save valuable time, they also immediately know whether further tests or corrections are needed. Measurements can be later processed in the lab for more detailed analysis. Rohde & Schwarz developed the analysis software in cooperation with the Swiss Skyguide organization. The R&S ILSChecker software is based on an elaborate concept that stems from in-depth T&M expertise and real-world practice in ATC.

The R&S TS6300 supports Localizer and Glide Path measurements as required by the ICAO. Despites its numerous measurement and analysis capabilities, the R&S TS6300 is simple to use. A single technician can operate the software and perform the test drive.

Rohde & Schwarz also announced it has joined the Civil Air Navigation Organisation (CANSO) as an associate member in order to network with decision makers throughout the aviation industry.

The Rohde & Schwarz air traffic control portfolio includes complete IP-based system solutions, ranging from working positions for air traffic controllers to entire radio sites. To date, Rohde & Schwarz system solutions have been deployed at more than 200 airports in over 80 countries.


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